About Us

Vineyard Church ABQ


 The Vineyard Movement:  we have a 17 minute video that details how/where the Vineyard began and where it is going.  We show this video on week 1 of VCABQ Orientation, or see it at youtube.com/Vineyard USA History.  There are over 600 Vineyard churches in the US, and another 600 worldwide.

 Our congregation:  We are a church plant of Joshua’s Vineyard, here in Albuquerque.  In August of 2010, eight of us were commissioned to begin a new Vineyard Church.  We met in a home for 4 months, then on Saturday nights from January of 2011 to December of 2012.  We moved into Hope Middle School facilities in December of 2012, and began our Sunday morning worship services on Easter Sunday, 2013.


Perry and Kasey Floyd will celebrate 41 years of marriage this May 23.  They were both born and raised in the Southern Baptist denomination in Texas, met in SBC colleges, married in 1975.  Perry earned a B.A. in Bible & Philosophy, Kasey earned a B.A. in Bible and Psychology.  Perry earned a M. Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1978,  and has served local churches as Youth,  Associate, and Senior Pastor in Texas, Southern California, and New Mexico since 1973.

They planted a Vineyard in the San Diego area in 1987, and have planted three Vineyards here in New Mexico.  Planting Vineyards in New Mexico is their dream.  Perry has served as Bible Teacher and Chaplain at Hope Christian School for 22 years.  Kasey has taught Family Living, Bible, and Psychology at Hope Christian School for 13 years.  Perry & Kasey have four adult children and three grandkids, all of whom live here in ABQ.



We practice a shared eldership as our form of church government.  While Perry is our pastor, he is submitted to our Leadership Team:

 Kasey Floyd    Dave Slaten     Justin Floyd      Tim Turner     Diana Turner

Raising up, training, and releasing church leaders is a major part of our vision as a local congregation.



Who we are: We are a people-developing community; we develop people who follow Jesus, who are changed by Jesus and who join Jesus on His mission.

Our values: To pursue God, to build community and to unleash compassion.

Our goals: To reach out to Albuquerque with good news, to train and equip believers for ministry, and to care for people in practical ways.


Spiritual Gifts

We are a charismatic community, believing that God the Holy Spirit gifts his church to do the work of ministry in these last days. We believe the "baptism of the Spirit" is part of receiving Christ, as Paul wrote, "For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body--Jews or Greeks, slaves or free--and all were made to drink of one Spirit" 1 Corinthians 12:13.

There is one baptism of the Spirit, many fillings of the Spirit; He can be trusted to pour out gifts on believers, including tongues, prophecy, discerning of spirits, healings, miracles, words of knowledge and wisdom, faith, interpreting of tongues. We practice these gifts in our times together and in our daily lives. The Spirit bestows them as he chooses (1 Cor. 12:11).

We do not believe any one of these gifts is the particular evidence of the "baptism of the Spirit" nor do we require speaking in tongues as a gift for
everyone. Our attitude comes from 1 Corinthians 14, where Paul wrote:

          1. I want all of you to speak in tongues, but more to prophesy
          2. I want you to excel in gifts that build up the church, not an individual
          3. Tongues without interpretation is out of order in a public meeting

We trust and expect God to release power, presence, and supernatural signs and wonders as we continually seek the Spirit's filling. We also seek the fruit of the Holy Spirit as he transforms our character into that of Jesus Christ.


Core Values and Beliefs
